August 2019

Learning to wear makeup was one of the things I enjoyed the most as a teenager — though my mom would only allow me to wear MAC’s clear Lipglass.

When I got to college, I started to wear more foundation, but it wasn’t until my mid-20s that I felt like I had to apply foundation each morning (even for grocery story runs) out of necessity. I had the good fortune of never dealing with teenage acne, but that all caught up with me in my 20s. I didn’t want to leave the house because my breakouts and dark spots had gotten so out of hand. Imagine running from a college classmate in the grocery store because you’re so embarrassed about your skin.

When I did go out, I’d apply so much foundation that I didn’t recognize myself. I found out after years of dealing with my massive breakouts that the pimples covering my jawline and neck were a result of my hormones. Since dermatologist visits were out of my budget at the time, I changed the things I knew I could: my diet, sleeping habits, and skincare routine. As I got my skin condition under some type of control (I still get hormonal breakouts), I wanted to stop hiding in my room. I went to the Bobbi Brown makeup counter at Nordstrom, and with the help of a makeup artist, I found a new routine that gave me the confidence to go out into the world, even with my perceived imperfections. As the artist put it, “it’s not about covering, but enhancing your natural beauty,” and I’ve carried that with me every single day. 


It’s not about covering, but enhancing your natural beauty.


Hyperpigmentation can make you feel a lot of negative emotions, but I want to pass along what I’ve learned through trial, error, and amazing beauty pros along the way. I also want to make sure you don’t feel like this article is meant to make you feel like you have to cover up — I just want you to have the tools you need in case you want to wear makeup, because as cliché as it sounds, you’re beautiful as you are.



Prep Your Skin 

I have a few staples during my daily routine. This may seem like a lot of products, but this combination has lessened my breakouts, keeps my skin hydrated, and has helped with my dark spots. My skin is honestly like night and day since I have carved out a set routine.


Unseen SPF 40


What works for me may not work for you, but a good pre-makeup routine with sunscreen is key. I was once someone that thought my dark skin had built-in sun protection, but sun exposure makes hyperpigmentation worse and undoes all the work your favorite skincare products put in. 

Now that the skin is prepped, we can get to the makeup application.


But First, Primer

According to Allure, primers create an ideal base for makeup application by smoothing fine lines and pores while helping products stay put all day. Those who are acne-prone or sensitive to silicone-based products should try a water-based primer like these:


It’s All About The Base

No matter your skin type, you’ll want to select a foundation that gives you medium to full coverage, because tinted moisturizers or sheer foundations can lead you to apply more without the coverage you’re looking to achieve. Fenty Beauty is my go-to because its matte foundation keeps my oily skin shine-free, and their formula is rich enough without being too heavy to help even out my skin tone.

The key to applying foundation without it looking cakey is to start with a little and build out. There was a time when I’d keep adding more foundation to cover spots, and I’d end up looking like a had on too much makeup. Now, when I find myself putting on too much, too fast, I take a beauty sponge, spray my face with rose water, and gently dab my skin, which usually works for me. These are the products I swear by:

Mario Badescu

Rose Water Spray


Beauty Sponge




After applying my foundation, I can always see the dark spots peeking through. Instead of using more foundation, I take my concealer and dab each spot with the less-is-more tactic to build out. This concealer is my go-to because it covers and looks natural and I can drop it in my bag on the go. If you prefer a pot of concealer, MAC’s studio finish concealer is a great option to use with a brush or your fingers, and this formula comes packed with SPF 30. 

If you’re a pro, you can try color correcting as well, but since I’m not well-versed in that arena, I’ll keep things simple.



Ready… Set… Powder

Powder will set all of your hard work. I take it easy on the powder because when I overdo it, I think my skin looks older, and it draws attention to the pimple that decided to move in and not pay rent. This is the only powder I’ll ever use, and if you have dark brown skin like mine, it sets like a dream and gives no flashback.


Find Your Beauty Superpower

My final step on my journey to self-love — hyperpigmentation and all — is that I accent a facial feature I love. Remember that makeup artist at the Bobbi Brown counter I talked about? She gave me this advice. Some days, I look in the mirror, and all I see are my imperfections; but, I make myself find the beauty in something in that mirror.

I love my eyes, but if I feel they look too tired, I put on a bright lip — right now, these are my favorite:


The post How to Conceal Hyperpigmentation on Dark Skin: What I’ve Learned From Years of Practice appeared first on The Everygirl.

Remember when everyone said all the products we used had to be oil-free? Oil was made out to be an enemy of your beauty routine, especially if you had acne-prone skin. Your cleansers, foundations, moisturizers, and serums were basically ruled ineffective if they had even a drop of oil. 

Because I remember that time so much, I also vividly remember the first time I saw a skincare routine in which a woman put oil on her face. I gasped so hard at the mere thought of putting the very stuff on my face that I work so hard to remove every night. Then, in 2015, I tried my first cleansing balm (I remember it like it was yesterday), and I never looked back from using oils in my skincare since. 

If you’re somehow living under a rock and new to oils, here’s the rundown. Basically, oil attracts oil (#scienceissexy), meaning using an oil cleanser on your face or scalp/hair will help remove the oil already there. When our hair or skin is dehydrated, it often means that our bodies are overproducing the oil to make up for what it lacks. Therefore, using an oil to cleanse deeply moisturizes to not only remove the oil, but prevent it from coming back. This is what makes the cleansing oil craze real — and our editors, myself, and many others have jumped on the bandwagon and have no plans of looking back. 

After seeing a few hair cleansing oil shampoos on the market, I decided to take the plunge. I made sure to try it on a day that I wouldn’t see anyone in the event that it went badly. (I vividly remember trying to use olive oil as a hair mask before my eighth-grade exit interview, and I walked into school with hair that looked eerily like Kim K at the Met Gala except not cute.) The first time I tried, I mixed a little bit of hair oil into my shampoo. I shampooed once with the mixture and then did a double cleanse with my shampoo once more. The next time, I went all-in — I covered my head from scalp to ends in a hair oil. I let it sink in for a few minutes and washed my hair twice with my regular shampoo. The former was a gentle-but-deep cleanse that left my hair feeling clean and bouncy. The latter, however, was truly life-changing. 

I never thought I’d say this, but slathering my hair with oil before a shower might be the best thing I’ve ever tried. I’ve been doing this to my hair for about a month now — and the difference I’ve noticed is extreme. My fine, straight hair usually can barely go a day in-between washes. My second-day hair is filled with dry shampoo, and it looks limp, dry at the ends, and lifeless and greasy at the roots. Oil cleansing my hair twice a week has given my hair new life, and I’m here to share the experience! 


My hair before:


This photo was taken after a workout, so my hair is pretty bad. This is my hair when I haven’t oil cleansed. It’s lifeless, and the ends are like your mouth when you wake up at 4am after drinking and can’t get to water fast enough. 



My hair with the oil in it:


I used an equal parts mixture of an Aveda hair oil and hemp seed oil and slathered it all over my hair. Seriously. I coat my hair from roots to tips, and I focus on my scalp, massaging the oil into my scalp with my fingertips. Then, I hop in the shower and shampoo twice. Sometimes, I’ll use a gentle shampoo first, and follow with a purple shampoo and conditioner; other times, I’ll just use a clarifying shampoo and a deep conditioner. 


Then, I get out of the shower, use my leave-in products, style my hair as I normally would. And here, I present:

(Yes, I know my highlight is ~en fleek~, I’ve already raved about it here!)


Now that you’ve seen the process, here’s a little more about why I love it so much:


I have to wash my hair less (and use less dry shampoo)

I can get away with washing my hair every three to four days now, which is a huge improvement from before. This has cut my morning routine basically in half. I also am able to use way less dry shampoo which helps with preventing build-up and honestly just saves me a little bit of money! 


My hair holds a curl better

My fine, straight hair barely holds a curl, but I’ve noticed that when my hair isn’t muddled with dry shampoo and texturizing spray and wave elixirs that my curl stays a little bit longer. I especially notice that in my day-two hair. My hair has had a little time to settle, but it isn’t greasy and gross either. My curl stays insanely well these days, and I usually just have to lightly touch it up the next day for casual, loose waves. 


My hair feels stronger

I have color-treated hair that gets heat-styled on almost a daily basis. I also use regular hair ties, sleep in a ponytail, and never eat my greens. I know, I’m a garbage person. However, even with all that in mind, oil cleansing my hair has made it feel stronger, sleeker, and just overall healthier. This could be a little placebo, but I’ve even gotten compliments from people that my hair looks different. I’m going to take that as a “keep doing what you’re doing.”

There are some oil cleansers on the market, but I’ve noticed the best results using hair oil. I’ve also seen articles and videos where people have even used facial oils. Argan, coconut, avocado, and hemp seed oil have also worked really well for me. 


The post I Started Oil Cleansing My Hair, and I’ll Never Go Back appeared first on The Everygirl.

Was anyone else totally deceived about the whole idea that acne only happens in your teen years? Well guess what, The American Girl’s Guide to Puberty — here I am, 24 years old and acne is still a dark cloud over the storm that I call my life. The worst part is it’s not just pesky face pimples and nose blackheads. I’ve learned how to control face acne (or at least cover it up) by now. The part of adulthood I did not sign up for? Body acne — the dreaded breakouts over the body, most commonly found on the chest, back, or butt (or as I lovingly refer to as chestne, backne, and buttne… for the sake of time, of course!).

While body acne can be the same as face acne (clogged and irritated pores), it’s most commonly not acne at all, but actually something called folliculitis, which is an infection of the hair follicle. However, clogged pores and folliculitis can often be treated with the same methods, plus a few different tips and tricks. After all, we’re shattering glass ceilings, climbing corporate ladders, and living fulfilling lives – the last thing we need to worry about is a back pimple or butt breakout. Here’s how to banish body breakouts once and for all:


Avoid body washes and lotions with fragrance

Of course we all want to smell good, so I’ll give you the bad news first: the fragrance in scented body washes and lotions (especially when it’s artificial) can cause skin irritation that leads to breakouts. Here’s the good news: there are many natural and fragrance-free options out there that will moisturize just as well as your go-to french vanilla lotion or citrus-scented body wash. Look for “fragrance-free” on the bottle, or pick all-natural options that use essential oils for smell. You can also make your own lotion by combining coconut oil or shea butter (super moisturizing and will not clog pores) with an essential oil (tea tree oil helps with inflammation!).


Cleanse the right way

If you have super oily skin, using an active wash (like one with glycolic or salicylic acid) that’s not too harsh will likely clear up any body breakouts. However, you can’t just quickly rub a dime size amount all over under the shower like you would with other washes. These active ingredients take time to sink in, so for best results, coat the areas that need to be treated and wait a couple minutes for the acne-fighting ingredients to work their magic. Spend a few minutes letting it sink in while shaving your legs, scrubing your face, or singing the bridge of “Shallow” until you nail it — I don’t judge your in-shower ritual! If your breakouts are more irritated and/or come with dry skin or itchiness, using a gentle, fragrance-free body wash with tea tree oil or aloe will calm irritations.


Slough away dead skin cells

The skin on the body is much thicker and more durable than the skin on the face. Dead skin cells can often build up over our body from dryness, products like faux tanner (guilty!), and being exposed to less exfoliation than the skin on our face (I mean, do you wash your body every night with a Clarisonic brush and apply an acid treatment?). The dry skin can not only clog pores and cause breakouts, but can actually prevent active ingredients in washes from going deep enough. Try an acne-fighting body scrub before you wash, or dry brush your whole body before hopping in the shower (bonus: it boosts circulation!). If your breakouts are more prone to irritation and redness, cleanse with your normal cleanser and a body puff once a week.


Source: @laurenkaysims


Shower after a sweaty workout (or at least change clothes)

Sweat is mostly water – alone, it will not break you out (and there’s no need to avoid your favorite intense pilates class or heated gym session!). However, if sweat sits around for too long (on your skin or on your clothes), the bacteria that naturally lives on your skin mixed with bacteria from sweat is what clogs pores and causes irritation – lovely, isn’t it? It’s often why the skin on your butt (tight leggings) and chest area (*cough cough* boob sweat) is most prone to breakouts. Shower as soon as possible after a sweat session (or a particularly hot day). If a shower immediately after is not an option (i.e. rushing to work or a long day at the beach), at least change into clean clothes and carry body wipes for acne-prone areas post-sweat.


Try the occasional treatment

It’s 2019, and it’s not too extra to put a mask on your butt or a pimple patch on your chest acne. Sometimes stress, PMS, or excess sweat lingering for too long (curse you, hot yoga!) will cause a massive breakout or pesky pimple that a wash and scrub just cannot get under control. This means it’s time to call in the big guns — have larger-sized pimple patches on hand for chest or back pimples, and treat yourself to a treatment meant for body acne like a clay mask or body sheet mask to treat or prevent acne once every couple weeks.

You can also try applying spot treatments, but be warned – the ingredients in many spot treatments can cause fabrics to bleach, so let it fully sink in before putting on clothes and laying in your sheets, or for extra safety, wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt you don’t care about getting bleached (yes, I do have a pair of cheap pajama shorts specifically for butt breakouts).


Source: Closet Cooking


Examine your diet

By now you probably know that the foods you eat can either cause or cure acne and irritation, and that goes for your body breakouts too. Unfortunately, there’s no magical acne-clearing diet that works for everyone, but there are two common irritants that can cause acne and inflammation: sugar and dairy. Try cutting out dairy or watching your sugar intake to see if it clears chronic breakouts, and stick to organic foods that don’t contain hormones and antibiotics (any added hormones can change hormones in the body).

Also play around with food intolerances – I once read that gluten intolerances can show up as butt acne, and since limiting gluten, that dreaded butt acne has seriously cleared up (thank god for that, right!?). Also load up on leafy greens, berries, and orange produce like carrots or sweet potatoes for good-for-you antioxidants that can help clear up skin.


Pay attention to what your breakouts are telling you

Like other signs of inflammation and irritation, breakouts can often be signs of imbalance in the body. You might have heard of face mapping, or a holistic method of understanding the cause of acne that comes from Ayurveda and ancient Chinese Medicine. Well there’s also such thing as body mapping, which claims that breakouts have different causes based on the area of the body. For example, shoulder acne might mean stress, chest acne might mean digestive issues, and back acne might mean problems with the nervous system. If you’re cleaning properly, body mapping might be worth looking into as the source of your body acne. Talk to your doctor about reducing stress, checking for hormone imbalances, or easing digestive issues.


The post We All Have Body Acne—Here’s How to Deal appeared first on The Everygirl.

Giving beauty products the old college try pretty much comes in our job description as editors. Every time there’s a new launch, we’re ready to take it on. Our vanities, makeup bags, bathroom cabinets, and closets are pretty much bursting at the seams with new products to test and review. It comes with the territory, and we’re always happy to fulfill this duty for the good of the company. With trying all of these products, we also are pretty in-tune with what our favorites are. You can’t call yourself a “wellness guru” or a “skincare enthusiast” on the Internet and not expect to get a flood of questions asking for your recommendations and favorites. 

The one thing all of our beauty-obsessed editors have in common? We spend our coin shopping at Sephora — because where else would we find our favorite brands for makeup, skincare, hair, wellness, and more all in one place?! 

Our beauty-loving hearts skipped a beat when we saw the big news: Sephora’s Summer Bonus Beauty Event is here!


From 8/20 to 8/27, Sephora VIB and Rouge members can shop and receive a 15% (VIB) and 20% (Rouge) discount on hundreds of items! 

VIB and Rouge members can use this offer as many times as they want, in-store and online using the code SUMMERSAVE .


Becoming a Beauty Insider at Sephora is basically the key to unlocking all your beauty-loving dreams. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive points for every purchase to redeem on samples, full-sized products, and more. You also can unlock the other tiers (VIB and Rouge), which have perks such as special discounts and events, free makeovers, and more. 

From the highlighter I’ve been telling everyone to buy for months (seriously, people, do it), the shampoo and conditioner you can’t live without, the perfect fall lip color, a new skincare ingredient trend you’ve been dying to try, and more. 

Our editors are sharing their favorites, what they’re hauling from the event, and the product they think is worth the splurge. Plus, we’re giving you a glimpse into how we all store our makeup collections. Scroll on!




Recommended From My Arsenal…

Milk Makeup

Matte Bronzer

This has been my hero product this summer. I add it to the perimeters of the face to add a little bronze and glow to the skin. It seriously blends into my skin like nothing, and it never takes the foundation or other products away. I’ve even been wearing it on days I don’t wear foundation to make myself look a little better, and this might actually be my favorite way to wear it. I’m obsessed with everything Milk makes (especially their Kush mascara!), but this might take the cake.


Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio

Every time I wear these out in public, someone compliments my eyeshadow. I’ve had strangers run up to me on the street to ask what’s on my eyes. So, I wouldn’t recommend these if you’re not trying to be a showstopper because these certainly put all eyes on you, baby. I have two of them (in Rosewater and Toasted Caramel), and I add a little bit of at least one shade to every look. They’re already a pretty inexpensive for three eyeshadows, so I’m planning to pick up the rest of the shades with the discount!


The Product I’ve Been Dying to Try…

Fenty Beauty

Pro Filt'r Hydrating Longwear Foundation

Alright, I have to be honest that I already bought this. I JUST COULDN’T WAIT. I’m never joking when I say Rihanna can do no wrong in my eyes, and I’ve been waiting for this foundation to release basically since the line was released in 2017. I’ve never been into matte foundations with my dry skin, but I also like a good amount of coverage day to day. Wow, now I really can’t wait. Should I have gotten priority shipping? AH, REGRETS.


The Splurge Worthy of the Sale…

Estee Lauder

Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Aging Crème

My sweet aunt got me this for Christmas a few years ago along with the popular Advanced Night Repair serum. I’ve never been one to splurge on skincare because, well, eyeshadow palettes and fancy brushes and expensive foundations exist. This made a difference in my skin after one use (I wish I was kidding, why is it so expensive, ugh). When I use it at night, I wake up with baby-soft skin that looks plump and revitalized (as the name suggests!). It’s a very thick cream with a beautiful (expensive, if I do say so myself) scent that immediately sinks into the skin. Because I only had a small amount, I only allowed myself to use it on special occasions. I’m about to buy the full-size, and I’m not looking back.




Recommended From My Arsenal…

Charlotte Tilbury

Matte Revolution Lipstick

Just like a structured trench coat or George Clooney, berry lips for fall never go out of style. I am a fan of this matte formula for peak blotting use. My strategy is: line lips with subtle liner (Pillow Talk by Charlotte Tilbury is very good for this purpose) then use the lipstick direct from the bullet to fill in your lips. Grab a tissue and blot a least four times to get the perfect lip stain that will last literally all day. I highly recommend the shade "Bond Girl" both because what a badass name and also it's the perfect, universally flattering color.


Eyelash Curler

This is going to sound dramatic, but if I could take one thing to a desert island (excluding like sunscreen or a flare gun, because obviously), it would be this eyelash curler. You just cannot replicate the effects with anything else. Blush? Pinch your cheeks, bite into a raspberry and rub the juice on your face, think about Taron Egerton. Done. Foundation? You'll be so tanned/sunburnt it won't really matter. Highlighter? That's what the sweat is for! Anyways back to the point: curling your eyelashes instantly opens your face and helps you look more awake while drawing attention to your sparkling eyes. Are you sold yet?


The Product I’ve Been Dying to Try…


Nudies Matte Blush & Bronze

I like to watch Youtube makeup tutorials while I get ready for work in the mornings and I recently stumbled across this one and immediately needed to buy the Nudestix Blush & Bronze. It is SO GOOD. Perfect color and so buttery/blendable. I do not consider myself a contour connoisseur, but even I had no trouble dabbing this across my face and blend, blend, blending for a really natural glow.


The Splurge Worthy of the Sale…

Maison Margiela

REPLICA Whispers In The Library

I am deeply influenced by product names and this one got me — hook, line, and sinker. I tested a sample recently and now I MUST OWN THIS. The sale is the perfect time to snag it because it falls outside my what-the-hell-I'm-going-to-treat-myself impulse purchase limit. It also passed my have-I-wanted-this-for-over-four-months limit. Win, win.



Recommended From My Arsenal…


Radiant Creamy Concealer

Sometimes when a product is super hyped, once you finally take the plunge, you're inevitably disappointed — but this is not one of those times. This is the concealer to end all concealers. It brightens up my under eyes without the slightest sign of creasing or dryness, covers any blemishes I have seamlessly, and does it all while remaining undetectable. This would make it onto my list of desert-island products, no questions asked. I've owned countless tubes of this in my life, and won't be stopping any time soon.

Cover FX

Monochromatic Matte + Shimmer Blush Duo

When people say they don't like blush, I'm always completely dumbfounded. The point in my day I finally feel alive is when I get that swipe of color on the apples of my cheeks — and this blush is my favorite of the year. It has a matte and luminous side, which makes it completely customizable depending on what I want that day (and whether or not I have texture I don't want to emphasize with a shimmery product). The formula is beautiful, and the color is the perfect rosey shade that's usable in all seasons.


The Product I’ve Been Dying to Try…


Hydro Grip Primer

Ever since the launch of this bad boy, I've been seeing an endless stream of people saying it's the best primer they've ever used. I'm always looking for primers that will help foundation look better on my dry skin, and this one's tacky texture also is supposed to help makeup last throughout the day. This sale has finally given me the opportunity to pull the trigger — give me the dewy skin of my dreams!


The Splurge Worthy of the Sale…

Drunk Elephant

A-Passioni Retinol Cream

Drunk Elephant products are an investment, but I have truly yet to be disappointed by one. This product was my first dive into Retinol, and everyone and their mother warned me that it was going to make my super-sensitive skin dry and flakey at first — and they were (thankfully) completely wrong. This retinol is unique in that it's suspended in hydrating ingredients, so it helps the retinol improve your skin even further while dodging its drying effects. I was in a bit of a skin slump, feeling like my skin was looking dull and lifeless day in an day out, no matter what I did. I RARELY feel like a skin product has changed my life, but this one absolutely has. I noticed an insane difference in how my skin looked in a matter of weeks, and it is absolutely something I'll be splurging on from here on out — I cannot sing its praises enough.




Recommended From My Arsenal…


Hollywood Flawless Filter

Known as a 'liquid complexion booster' this IRL instagram filter can be used on a bare face as a tinted moisturizer/highlighter, as a primer, or mixed with your foundation for an all-over dewy glow. The latter is my preference and I've found it extended my bottle of foundation (I use significantly less when I have this on). Think of it as a natural 'glow up' making everyone think you finally splurged on an ultra-expensive Jennifer Aniston facial.

Living Proof

Perfect Hair Day Shampoo

This one doubles as a beauty and relationship secret. From the smell to the results, I love everything about my Living Proof Shampoo. It’s worth every penny, especially since I only wash my hair two times a week. What I don’t love is when I started to notice my shampoo draining faster than anticipated only to find my husband had abandoned his $4 bodywash/shampoo combo and also fallen in love with my favorite splurge. Rather than hiding it (which I strongly considered), I invested in the 24 oz. pump version and agreed to split it. The bigger size is a better value and now there’s plenty of shampoo to go around. This week I’ll be stocking up because even though I love to pretend I'm bougie — ya girl loves a promo code.


The Product I’ve Been Dying to Try…

Jouer Cosmetics

Highlighter in 'Skinny Dip'

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I almost tackled Beth to the ground when I saw the glow on her face at Atlanta. Low and behold it’s the highlighter she’s been raving about in her beauty articles for months. It arrived this week and has already become a holy grail product. It’s natural enough that you just think ‘wow’ (as opposed to 'hello high-beams') so I really have to practice self control and not cover my entire face.


The Splurge Worthy of the Sale…


Supersonic Hair Dryer

Let me preface this by saying: I don’t blowdry my hair often thanks to wet drying and the strength that is my T3 curling iron. However, I have used a Dyson hair dryer on multiple occasions (shoutout to my mom) and I recommend this to everyone as a #1 purchase during one of Sephora’s special events. It dries your hair faster without having to rely on excessive heat and their patented technology makes drying your hair with a Dyson less damaging. Plus, because of the funnel you get less sweaty during the actual process. I personally can’t justify the spend because I know I won’t use it in my daily routine, but if you blow dry your hair regularly this will change your life.




Recommended From My Arsenal…

Summer Fridays

Jet Lag Mask

After trying Jet Lag Mask when it first hit Sephora's shelves, I don't know how I ever lived without it... seriously. True to the name, I take this chic little tube on every flight, and it absolutely saves my skin from airplane breakouts and dryness that typically lasts for days. I also use it as an overnight mask because it's gentle enough to layer with other serums and treatments, but moisturizing enough to wake up with a serious glow.


Lip Sleeping Mask

Full disclosure: I have been addicted to lip balm since I was probably 10 years old. And I don't mean "addicted" jokingly, I mean more-likely-to-leave-the-house-without-my-phone-than-without-lip-balm kinda thing. So if you can imagine, discovering this lip mask is probably one of the best things that has ever happened to me. It's hydrating without being sticky, and stays on so long that I put it on before bed and will wake up with soft, subtle lips – mask still intact. Plus, it's just tinted enough to wear over a lip stain or pencil for the most hydrated lips ever. Lip balm who?


The Product I’ve Been Dying to Try…


Tartelette Toasted Eyeshadow Palette

I'm not usually the biggest makeup fanatic, but something about the end of summer makes me want to up my glow game. I've been on the hunt for one perfect eye shadow palette (I don't like to clutter my makeup bag!) that is fully stocked with the prettiest colors for both day and night. This palette from Tarte is specifically designed for a warm glow and the colors are stunning. Plus, for a skincare obsessive like me, the formula is enriched with amazonian clay – good for your skin, and good for your glow!


The Splurge Worthy of the Sale…

Peter Thomas Roth

24K Gold Pure Luxury Lift & Firm Hydra-Gel Eye Patches

I'm going to be honest – this is probably the most I've spent on a beauty item like, ever. But let me tell you it was worth every 24k gold penny. 20 minutes with these luxurious, relaxing patches and my under eye bags are completely gone, small fine lines I have (and I'm only 24!) are instantly filled, and my whole face seems illuminated. It's the one product I've ever used that has actually allowed me to leave the house without feeling like I need under-eye concealer. Plus, it's 24k gold, so why even question it? I wait for epic sales like this one to save money on splurge items that will transform my beauty routine, and maybe this is your time to try it too. Trust me, your under eye bags will thank you.



Please note the product exclusions: Not valid on The Ordinary products. Clients are limited to the purchase of one Dyson item, three Drunk Elephant items, five Morphe items, and three Tatcha items per SKU per transaction.


This post was in partnership with Sephora, but all of the opinions within are those of The Everygirl editorial board.

The post What Our Editors Are Buying From Sephora’s Summer Bonus Event appeared first on The Everygirl.

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